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Our friendly rangers provide an important community service, from keeping an eye on many things from lost pets to working with Emergency Services and enforcing our Local Laws.
Use this form to report an issue to the Shire of Denmark. Please make sure you provide as much detail as possible in your report. Relevant officers from our team will investigate your report during business hours.
If you wish to report a fire or life threatening emergency, stop now and call 000. SES Emergency Assistance can be reached at 132 500.
Report Power Outages/Faulty Streetlights/Downed PowerlinesReport Damage/Debris on Major RoadReport Recycling Kerbside Collection Issue Report Water Leak/Outage Report Injured Wildlife Report Suspected Animal Cruelty Report Illegal Clearing Report Boating/Marine Incident
If your report is not-related to any of the links provided, please continue on to complete our Report It form.
Let's get started! Your report will be treated confidentially. Remember, please provide us with as much detail as possible.
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Our Rangers manage animal control and bushfire risk reduction as part of their daily duties. They deal with reports of wandering dogs and livestock, kangaroos, snakes and firebreak and fuel management of your property. Where possible, our Rangers aim to resolve problems via discussion and public education.
The team has a wide range of responsibilities, including:
Please visit our Infringements page.
For Ranger Services contact (08) 9848 0300 or
We want our new website to be as easy as possible to navigate for community members. Your feedback will help us to continue fine-tuning until we have a user-friendly website. If you have some feedback to share about this page - positive or negative - we want to hear it!
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