Holiday Homes

Thinking of purchasing a Holiday Home in the Shire of Denmark? We recommend making due-diligence enquiries for all property purchases.

On this page:

Private Holiday Homes (Second Homes)

Shire approval is not required for private holiday homes used only by owners and their family members.

Please note: Our community is currently experiencing a shortage of residential rental housing. Shire approval is not required to change the use of your house for residential rental housing and we encourage you to help house the local workers and staff that keep our town running.

Commercial Holiday Homes

If you would like to rent your house as short stay accommodation you will need to apply for Shire approval before you start. This includes holiday homes owned by clubs and societies that are used by their members. 

Step 1: Apply to the Shire for planning approval
Step 2: Register your property on the State Government's Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register

To commence the planning approval application process, complete the Property Management Template below and a Development Application Form, available at our Planning and Building Applications page.

Before you can start operating, your property will need to inspected to confirm that it complies with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (especially fire and electrical safety standards). This includes the installation of hard-wired, interconnected smoke alarms and emergency lighting (see further information on our Building Services and Information page) as well as other fire safety requirements.

Please be aware that operating a commercial holiday home may change your rates charges. Please visit our Rates and Properties page for more information.

If you have an ancillary dwelling (granny flat) or multiple dwellings on a property, short term rental accommodation may be classed differently under our planning rules. Please contact our Planning Services team before proceeding with an application.

More information is available in the following documents.


Click here to view our Holiday Homes Policy.

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Holiday Home Issues Management

Our community has asked us to make sure that holiday homes don't impact on the way of life that we and our visitors enjoy. To do this, we require the owners of all holiday homes to:

  • Complete a standard property management plan that clearly defines management and guest responsibilities
  • Provide neighbouring landowners with the opportunity to comment on any new holiday home proposals
  • Approve new holiday homes for one year only, with the effectiveness of management measures reviewed before approval is renewed
  • Provide contact details of a designated local property manager to neighbours
  • Inspect holiday homes for compliance with bushfire safety requirements annually

This has encouraged a high standard of management and property maintenance that supports our tourism industry and residents alike. If you experience an issue with a holiday home, please contact the property manager in the first instance, WA Police where appropriate, or the Shire (office hours only) if a complaint has not been responded to within 48 hours.

    Useful Links


    Our Planning Services team can be reached at (08) 9848 0300 or

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