Visitors & Tourists Information

Thousands of visitors come to explore the Shire of Denmark every year.

On this page:

Camping Information for Visitors

There are no overflow campsites available in the Shire of Denmark.


Camping and cooking fires are NOT PERMITTED in any Shire reserves, beaches, caravan parks, holiday properties, vacant land or roadside parking pays.

More information about campfires is available on our Fire and Burning Information page.

Caravan Parking in Denmark

Parking for caravans is available at the following locations, please note that time limits may apply.

  • Berridge Park
  • Annie Harrison Park
  • Denmark Visitor Centre
  • North Street

Parry Beach Campground

Parry Beach Campground is a volunteer-managed campground providing nature-based camping in the Shire of Denmark.

The campground DOES NOT take bookings and operates on a first-come, best-dressed policy.

Contact Parry Beach Campground for more information.

Emergency Information for visitors

Bushfire risk, warnings and information

Bushfire and emergency information, Total Fire Ban details and daily Fire Weather Warnings are available and regularly updated via DFES on the the Emergency WA website.

Local emergency information and details of Total Fire Bans and Harvest and Vehicle Movement bans are broadcast at regular intervals on local ABC radio.

Our local station is ABC Great Southern which you can tune into on 630AM on your radio or stream ABC Great Southern local radio online via your smartphone.

You can also subscribe to the Shire of Denmark SMS Alert System to receive important community updates, but this is not a service to rely on in an emergency - ABC emergency radio broadcasts and Emergency WA should be everyone's first points of call for information.

How do I find out what the Fire Danger Rating is?

Right here: Emergency WA


What is a Total Fire Ban?

A Total Fire Ban is declared by DFES when the bushfire risk is heightened. Strict conditions are imposed on residents and visitors when a Total Fire Ban is declared in the Shire of Denmark.

Information about what you can't do during a Total Fire Ban is available on the DFES website. Penalties apply for failing to comply with a Total Fire Ban.

It is your responsibility to be aware of whether or not a Total Fire Ban has been declared on any given day. Get into the daily habit of checking Emergency WA or tune into ABC local radio.

Staying safe on our coastline

The Southern Ocean is a powerful force. The water often looks inviting, but there are beaches in our Shire which can be dangerous.

There are a number of Beach Emergency Numbering (BEN) signs at various beaches and national parks to assist Emergency Services in locating the area where an emergency may have occurred. In the case of an emergency, call Triple Zero (000) and quote the unique code on the nearest sign to the operator. (The signs can also be used to report shark sightings to Water Police on (08) 9442 8600.) The safest places to swim is always between the red and yellow flags on a patrolled beach. In Denmark, Surf Lifesaving WA and the Denmark Surf Lifesaving Club patrol the waters at Ocean Beach.

Angel Rings are also installed at a number of coastal rock fishing locations, thanks to a collaboration between Recfishwest and the Shire of Denmark. Royal Lifesaving Western Australia urges rock fishers to take safety very seriously.

Current information about shark sightings in Western Australia is available at Shark Smart.

Planning your Visit

The Denmark Visitor Centre is open Monday - Saturday from 9.30am - 3.30pm, pop by and say hello to the lovely volunteers there. For ideas on places to eat, stay and visit, check out the Denmark Chamber of Commerce and Discover Denmark

A visit to the Denmark Historical Museum, managed and operated by the Denmark Historical Society on behalf of the community is a must, and the many paths and trails of Denmark are sensational.

For people with disability, two beach wheelchairs are available for use at no cost, one at Ocean Beach and the other at Parry Beach. The wheelchairs can go down to the waters edge and into the water. 

And if you're in need of a toilet, this National Public Toilet Map may help. Thank you for not using our pristine environment for emergency toilet breaks!

Electric Vehicle charging stations: 

The Shire of Denmark has committed to doing its part to reduce Denmark's carbon footprint. In September 2019, Council declared a Climate Emergency and in March 2021 we adopted a Sustainability Strategy which guides our future vision for sustainable management of Shire operations and operates as a broader guide for facilitating sustainable development initiatives within the community. So if you're visiting our town in an EV, we salute you!

The Shire of Denmark offers vehicle users with electric and hybrid vehicles free use of a dedicated charging station (socket outlet) located at the Shire Administration building car park at 953 South Coast Highway, Denmark. All plugs are single phase 15amp. The Shire has also dedicated funds for another dedicated charging point to be installed in the Denmark township in 2022 - more information to come. RAC has published an electric vehicle charging station map of WA which may assist users further.


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