Camp and Cooking Fires

Throughout the year, there are strict restrictions on the use of camp and cooking fires.

Penalties apply under the Bush Fires Act 1954.

On this page:

Restrictions on Camp and Cooking Fires

Camp and cooking fires are not permitted in any Shire reserves, beaches, caravan parks, holiday properties, vacant land or roadside parking bays at any time of the year. For private properties used as a permanent residence, the following restrictions apply:

Burning Period

Fire Danger Rating Type of Fire
Camp Fire Purpose Built Structure (includes solid fuel barbeques, fire pits, outdoor pizza ovens)
Prohibited Any Not permitted Not permitted
Restricted Catastrophic, Extreme or High Not permitted Not permitted
Moderate or below Not permitted Permitted*
Unrestricted Catastrophic, Extreme or High Not permitted Not permitted
Moderate or below Permitted Permitted

For information about bonfires and standing bush burns, please see our Burning Periods page.

*The purpose built structure must be within 20m of a permanent resident (must be a building approved by the Shire and not temporary accommodation, caravan or temporary shed), and there must be a 3m radius clear of combustible material. A purpose built structure is defined as:

  • A purpose built structure of brick or rocks and mortar
  • A purpose built steel container recognisable as a properly constructed barbeque
  • A fire pit with a maximum diameter of 1m and minimum depth of 30cm

The Do's and Don'ts of Camp and Cooking Fires

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Frequently Asked Questions: Camp and Cooking Fires

Can I use a gas barbeque or gas pizza oven? Yes.

Can I have a fire in my wood stove heater in my house? Yes.

Can I use my pizza oven during the Prohibited Burning Period? All outside pizza ovens are not permitted to be used during the Prohibited Burning Period. If your pizza oven is located on a fully enclosed deck or verandah (fully enclosed means four walls and a roof), you are permitted to use your pizza oven.

Can I use a purpose built fire pit or pizza oven at a holiday home (short-stay accommodation)? No. Camp and cooking fires are not permitted at holiday properties.

Have the rules changed recently? Yes. Previously, there were exemptions for cooking and camping fires during the Prohibited Burning Period. These exemptions have been removed in line with the growing bushfire risk. Any fire lit during the Prohibited Burning Period is an offence.

Why has the Shire removed the old exemptions for campfires in the Prohibited Burning period? There are a few reasons. They include:

  • Community members and bushfire spotter planes can now be confident if they see fire or smoke at any time during the Prohibited Burning Period that it is an illegal fire or bushfire, and should therefore be reported to 000.
  • It's hard to avoid visitors assuming they can light a fire when they see an exempt property having a fire.
  • Communicating the rules around the Prohibited Burning Period was too challenging with exemptions in place. It's critically important for community and visitor safety that all communications related to bushfire safety are clear and unambiguous.
  • As the climate dries, the risk of bushfire grows. What may have been safe 20 years ago, may no longer be an acceptable risk to take and we must prioritise community safety.

More frequently asked questions to come soon.

More Fire and Burning Information Back to Top

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