Strategy and Documents

Council is responsible for making decisions guided by the community aspirations and goals outlined in the Strategic Community Plan and informed by key strategic documents in the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. Our other strategies, plans and documents assist and guide our operational decision making, to keep us on track to delivering on our community vision.

On this page:

Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

The Shire of Denmark's Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework is a primary source of guidance for the organisation and community, incorporating the Strategic Community Plan which is the principal guiding document for all Western Australian local governments.

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework consists of the following five documents:

The Shire is committed to using this framework to strengthen the linkages between community aspirations, financial capacity and practical service delivery. This framework is required by all Local Government authorities to ensure that priorities and objectives are delivered based on a community established vision for the future.

Strategic Documents

In addition to the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, Councillors and Shire staff refer to strategic documents to assist with decision-making and operations. Some of these documents are available below:

There are also a number of key State-wide strategies that are supported by the Shire of Denmark. Some of these include:

Documents, Forms and Plans

Many of our publicly available documents and forms can be accessed from our website.

If you can't find what you're looking for below, please contact our friendly team at the Shire of Denmark Administration Building.

Council Policies

Adopted Policies

Codes of Conduct

Codes of Conduct

Please visit our Our Culture page for more information about our approach to our work, workplace and our community.

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