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Fire Rating
Emergency WA is your first point of call for all bushfire related information in Western Australia. In an emergency, call 000.
Copy of the new local law can be viewed online or in person at the Shire Admin
Seven lucky ratepayers rewarded with Denmark Dollars for paying rates by due date
Community members are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings of Council
Community submissions are invited in writing before 4pm, Friday 3 January
Community clubs united last week to take a stand against family and domestic violence
Public notice given to advise of new Fire Control Officers
Every property is required to be fire compliant from 1 December to 30 April
Ocean Beach Lime Quarry will open Monday 3 February for 6 weeks
Sign up to receive our monthly enewsletter with community info and notices
Council agrees to advertise proposed lease of McLean House to Denmark Dance Company
We want our new website to be as easy as possible to navigate for community members. Your feedback will help us to continue fine-tuning until we have a user-friendly website. If you have some feedback to share about this page - positive or negative - we want to hear it!
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