Garage Sale Trail 2022: Impact Report Released

Published on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 at 10:06:25 AM

Another year of Garage Sale Trail, another year of positive impacts on waste reduction habits in the Denmark community.

A recently compiled report on the event highlighted that more than 2,323 local participants residents were involved as sellers or shoppers at 305 garage sales and stalls held locally over two weekends.

The event saw 64,992 kilograms locally of reusable items saved from going to landfill.

The numbers were a substantial lift on the 2021 event, when 1781 local participated at 73 garage sales with 13,087 kilograms of pre-loved items diverted from landfill.

Facilitated locally by the Shire of Denmark, the Garage Sale Trail program encourages community members to sell, shop and learn about the circular economy, promoting the premise of reduce, reuse and recycle as an important step in the fight against climate change.

Shire of Denmark Acting Chief Executive Officer David King said it was great to see residents embracing the circular economy and getting more use from unwanted items at the 2022 event.

The Garage Sale Trail is aligned with the Shire of Denmark’s Sustainability key objective outlined in the Shire’s Sustainability Strategy 2021-2031 2.2 Support the community to promote a circular economy and buy local philosophy.

More than 84% of participants said they were more likely to reduce waste after holding a garage sale, while 18% of local residents indicated they were more likely to buy second-hand over new items.

To access the Garage Sale Trail Impact Report 2022 please visit:

Dates for Garage Sale Trail 2023 have been scheduled for two weekends 11-12 and 18-19 November. Pre-register at

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