Funding Secured for 2023/24 Roads Program Across Shire

Published on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 4:29:02 PM

The Shire of Denmark is happy to announce that more than $1.5M in road funding has been secured for the 2023/24 financial year.

During the May Ordinary Council Meeting, funding secured through the Road Project Grants and Commodity Routes Supplementary Funding was discussed.

The grants will cover the cost of 67 per cent of the Shire of Denmark roads program in the coming financial year, in a win for ratepayers.

Roads scheduled for major works in 23/24 are Parker Road, Mt Shadforth Road, Mt Lindesay Road, Hazelvale Road, Conspicuous Beach Road, Kernuts Road, and Bastiani Road, ranging across the Shire districts from Hay in the east to Hazelvale and Nornalup in the west.

The roads were chosen with guidance from the Strategic Asset Management Plan, determining the roads most in need of work.

Works include gravel re-sheets, reseals, and other upgrades.

Shire of Denmark President Ceinwen Gearon said it was pleasing to have achieved external funding for the 23/24 roads program.

“Our road network here in the Shire of Denmark is very extensive with more than 600km of road for us to maintain, which is why each year our officers work so hard to achieve funding to help us deliver our maintenance program” Dr Gearon said.

“Council understands how important the road network is in the lives of our community members and visitors, so we are excited that we have been able to obtain sufficient funding to work on different roads across the whole Shire.”

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