Changes Made to Waste Services in Denmark

Published on Monday, 6 September 2021 at 1:03:47 PM

The annual rates notice distribution has rolled out in Denmark, marking some changes to the administration of Waste Services including the introduction of green waste tip passes.

The new tip passes, which are in addition to an increased number of general waste tip passes, are an important change for the future sustainability of waste management at the local tip sites, and has generated much community conversation. The change means those wishing to deposit green waste at the tip will be required to either utilise green waste tip passes to do so or to make a cash payment for the service.

Previously, the cost of managing green waste in Denmark was absorbed in the maintenance budget of the tip, but with increasing commercial usage of this free service, including from contractors based beyond the bounds of the Shire, the amount of waste deposited at the site grows and sustainable processing costs grow with it.

The Shire is committed to finding alternative processing options to burning the green waste on account of the carbon emission, resource waste, odour and air quality implications.

Shire of Denmark Manager Waste and Reserves Bohdi Davies said the decision to introduce a green waste tip pass system had not been taken lightly.

“Council resolved to attain a net zero carbon emissions goal by 2050 and the progressive nature of our Council and residents has led us to recognise the need to seriously investigate other options for our green waste processing in order to achieve more sustainable outcomes,” Mr Davies said.

“But we also want to make the financial impact on our residents and ratepayers as minimal as possible. To date, contractors from both inside and outside our Shire have been taking advantage of what has been a free service. So, in short, the introduction of green waste tip passes is a first step to incur some restrictions on commercial operators so they pay their way, to allow better data collection on our end and to allow tip gate attendants to confidently charge non tip pass holders for their green waste drop off in order to cover future costs of processing.”

Mr Davies said there had been some concern about the flexibility of the green waste tip passes and issued a clarification.

“To allow for more frequent, smaller quantity drop-offs, we will now accept .25 cubic metres as a minimum drop-off with presentation of a tip pass which will allow residents a maximum of 36 visits to the tip,” he said.

Another change to the rates notice is the inclusion of a $70 Facilities Maintenance Fee which is dedicated to the sustainable future of Waste Services in Denmark. The fee covers the tip pass changes, in addition to research into Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO), promoting refuse, reduce, recycle programs in the Shire and most importantly, to put money into reserve for desperately needed future upgrades to the tip.

For more information about Waste Services in Denmark, please contact Shire of Denmark Waste and Reserves Officer Eva Overton at (08) 9848 0300.

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