Online Form - Employment Application Form

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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 7 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Postal Address Same as Above?*
Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia?*
Do you hold a current unrestricted Western Australian motor vehicle driver's licence?*
Do you hold a current:
If you do not currently hold any of the above, would you be willing to obtain them as needed?*
Tell us how you became aware of this vacancy.*
Do you have any previous or current medical conditions or restrictions, physical or otherwise, which may affect your ability to perform the essential requirements of the position you have applied for?*
Applicant Declaration: I declare that all the above statements are true in all respects. I acknowledge that any statement which is found to be false or deliberately misleading will make me, if employed, liable for dismissal.*

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