Occupational Safety & Health Committeee


Our vision is for the Shire of Denmark to be a safe workplace with all employees committed to the safety of themselves and their work colleagues.


Enable and assist consultation and cooperation between the employer and employees.

Help to initiate, develop, implement and review safety and health measures including

  • Policy Development
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Training and Supervision
  • Accident and Illness Reports
  • Resolution of safety and health issues
  • Risk Management.

Keep itself informed about safety and health standards in similar workplaces.

Make recommendations on safety and health rules, programs, measures and procedures at the workplace.

Ensure information on hazards is kept where it is readily accessible.

Consider and make recommendations about changes that may affect the safety and health of employees.

Consider matters referred to it by safety and health representatives.

Perform other functions prescribed by Regulations or assisted to it by the employer (with the Committee's consent and in keeping with the Committee's vision).

To view the Occupational Safety & Health Committee Charter click on the link below.

Occupational Safety & Health Committee Charter