Keeping Denmark connected

Published on Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 7:52:37 PM

The Shire of Denmark in collaboration with local businesses and individuals is launching a program of online activities to keep the community connected during the coronavirus restrictions.

Starting Monday 6 April, people can login to the video conferencing platform Zoom and join the free Denmark Connected Community program sessions in real time.

The activities cover all ages and include Karate, yoga, knitting and art classes, hair styling, jam sessions, a community choir and live music sundowners.

The sessions are about maintaining social connections, learning something new or enjoying the familiar, reducing isolation and promoting health and wellbeing.

The Shire initiative will help support local businesses and artists by providing an opportunity to connect with their customers during the current restrictions.

Denmark Library and the Denmark Recreation Centre will also provide a variety of free sessions and activities, including story time and fitness classes.

The program was identified and developed by the Community Programs working group as part of the Shire’s Pandemic Response Team, formed to address community needs during the pandemic.

“The aim of the program is to keep people connected – to their community, to local businesses, and to their social circles during a time when it’s important we keep our distance,” Head of Pandemic Response Team Angela Simpson said.

A computer with video and audio capabilities, or a mobile phone or tablet is required to access the free activities. The Denmark Community Resource Centre is available on 9848 2842 to help people get set up online and get started on Zoom. A how-to video is also below.

The program will run for 3 weeks commencing on Monday 6 April 2020.

Community members, businesses or groups wanting to contribute to the program should contact Community Development Officer Claudia Simpson via email

Download the program here




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